RankMF evaluate mutual funds using more than 2 million data points, our recommendations
have beaten others by an astonishing 16.82% Returns
8 Out of 8 Equity Schemes need your urgent attention. You can switch and fix this problem
You can improve your equity portfolio score by 16.24% by switching 8 non performing funds
You have invested in 413 stocks and securities via your equity mutual funds. You can consolidate your portfolio and fix this problem.
Funds 1 Out of 1 Hybrid schemes needs attention, You can switch and fix this problem
Switch to schemes with lower expense ratio and save up to 0.22%
This score is an estimate of how well your mutual fund investments could perform over time basis the quality of the underlying investments that these funds hold. Portfolio scores range between 0% and 100%. A high score means that your investments can perform well to their maximum potential over a period of time. You will also be able to see list of research recommendations to improve your portfolio score. The score is computed only for unit held in a physical statement of account and doesn’t consider units/securities held in a dematerialised form.
RankMF computes the scores of each Mutual fund scheme based on the underlying holdings of each scheme. An aggregate score is then applied to an investors portfolio depending on the constituents of their mutual fund portfolio. These scores are calculated in real time and could change depend on changing market conditions, scheme holdings and other factors.