SmartSIP continues investing in equity funds when markets are fairly priced and doubles your investment when markets are attractively priced.
Outcome: Buying more equity units when markets are cheaper.
SmartSIP skips investing in equity funds and parks your installment in low risk liquid funds when markets are overpriced.
Outcome: Avoids buying equity units when markets are expensive.
SmartSIP partially sells equity funds and parks the sale proceeds in low risk liquid funds when the markets are very overpriced.
Outcome: Books profit when the markets are very expensive.
SmartSIP, based on the Margin of Safety Index(MosDex) signal, buys or sells mutual funds to generate superior returns on investment for you.
Know moreUpgrade your mutual fund investments from traditional SIP to the new-age SmartSIP. It invests your money like an intelligent institutional investor to achieve your goals faster.
Upgrade to SmartSIPUsing RankMF research‘s Margin of Safety indicator, SmartSIP checks if it is the right time and NAV to invest in the equity mutual fund to manage risk by avoiding to invest at an expensive price & buys only when NAV is inexpensive to improve return on investment for you automatically.
Know moreSmartSIP has 2 options , with top up and without top up . SmartSIP+ is the variant with the top up option. When the margin of safety index is very high , then an additional amount equivalent to the SmartSIP installment amount is invested for superior returns as compared to the SmartSIP.
SmartSIP is like a regular SIP presumes that the SIP installment amount each month shall remain the same. So, if the regular SIP amount is Rs. 10000 for 60 months over 5 years i.e. a total investment of Rs. 6,00,000, the amount under SmartSIP would also be equal to Rs. 6,00,000 i.e. Rs. 10,000 * 60 months.
In the SmartSIP+ variant, additional top up amounts are drawn from your account depending on the Margin of Safety. For e.g. if the Margin of Safety was 106 for a particular month on SIP day, instead of Rs. 5,000 which would otherwise be drawn, Rs. 10,000 is drawn for that month.
A SmartSIP follows the same discipline of the SIP with respect to amount and frequency, therefore it is mandatory to have mandate / auto debit facilities.
Note: Investment along with SmartSIP mandate registration (initial investment) is not allowed and installments transaction will only be processed once the SmartSIP mandate is registered and approved.
The money will be debited 2 working days prior to the SmartSIP transaction day. In case of SmartSIP the money debited will be that of the installment amount. In case of SmartSIP+ double the amount of instalment shall be debited from your bank account.
Note : Kindly keep your account adequately funded 2 working days in advance of SmartSIP installment date.
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