RankMF rating is based on the quality of a schemes underlying portfolio Vs other mutual fund
research agencies which “Force Fit” the mutual funds ratings in a standard bell curve shape for all schemes in an AMC.
Fund Sahi Hai (Rating) - The first filter in whether an investor should invest in a fund or not depends on the quality of the fund’s underlying portfolio of stocks it has invested. At RankMF, you shall find a thumbs up or a thumbs down indicator to denote whether the fund is investable or not!
Margin of Safety Index (Time to Invest Indicator) - Once the first filter is cleared, the second filter is whether a fund has a good Margin of Safety score or not. Simply put, whether the time to invest in a mutual fund is right or not, basically helping investors get the best value for their money. Unlike all other advisors or fund managers or sales persons, we'll tell you if the timing to invest in a fund is incorrect with a thumbs down and correct with a thumbs up!
RankMF's proprietary tool MosDex evaluates the price and relative value of the fund and in times of extreme euphoria with negative margin of safety, we shall recommend investors against investing in a particular mutual fund!
Strength Indicator - Markets are volatile and carry risk. So investments made by fund managers will fall from time to time based on market conditions. However, what's important is how quickly these investments can bounce back when the markets stabilise and go up again. RankMF Strength Indicator indicates which mutual fund schemes are resilient to market volatility so that your investments stay strong and generate steady returns. You can look out for the Strength icon on each mutual fund.
Yes, most other mutual fund research or advisory companies do not rate or rank all funds or even consider the full universe which is against the interest of investors. There are many quality mutual fund schemes which have been around for years and delivered fantastic growth and are still unrated by most mutual fund research and advisory companies! Our methodology and algorithm allows us to look at the entire universe and scan opportunities for you. It's unbiased, objective and has no emotional attachment. It doesn't matter if a fund is new or old, what matters is it's future returns earning potential!
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The difference in performance between funds is as high as 80% which can make selection of mutual funds a complete nightmare. Introducing RankMF - The only Mutual fund Research Engine in India that has Rated and Ranked all mutual fund schemes in India NOT based on past performance. We'll tell you if a fund is sahi (correct) ya nahi (or Not) and we'll tell you why!
RankMF combines data and science to build researched ready made Mutual Fund Baskets. Simply invest in a basket designed to save tax, for retirement, or build a target corpus or simply invest based on your risk appetite or time horizon.
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