Whether you’re building a mutual fund portfolio or refining existing investments, OnTrak uses its 13 tailored personas to ensure the right asset mix and provide real-time insights for achieving your financial goals.
Know moreIndia's only technology driven research which evaluates 20 million market and fundamental data points to recommend best mutual fund investments.
Know moreSmartSIP is RankMF’s research backed tool that aims to help you generate higher returns while maintaining the discipline of a regular SIP. SmartSIP intelligently buys , sells and skips your investments based on market conditions.
Know moreInvest in expert curated baskets of best mutual funds for financial goals like children’s education, build a corpus, save tax & many more.
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The difference in performance between funds is as high as 80% which can make selection of mutual funds a complete nightmare. Introducing RankMF - The only Mutual fund Research Engine in India that has Rated and Ranked all mutual fund schemes in India NOT based on past performance. We'll tell you if a fund is sahi (correct) ya nahi (or Not) and we'll tell you why!
RankMF combines data and science to build researched ready made Mutual Fund Baskets. Simply invest in a basket designed to save tax, for retirement, or build a target corpus or simply invest based on your risk appetite or time horizon.
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